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    Welcome to the website of Hebei Shunzheng Machinery Parts Co., Ltd!

    Advantages and disadvantages of belt pulley

    Clicks:35582019-03-01 11:41:13 source: Hebei Shunzheng Machinery Parts Co., Ltd

    Belt wheel drive can mitigate load impact; belt wheel drive runs smoothly, with low noise and vibration; the structure of belt wheel drive is simple and easy to adjust; the manufacturing and installation accuracy of belt wheel drive is not as strict as meshing drive; belt wheel drive has the function of overload protection; the adjustment range of two-axle center distance of belt wheel drive is larger.
    The advantages of belt pulley transmission are: belt pulley transmission can mitigate load impact; belt pulley transmission runs smoothly, with low noise and low vibration; belt pulley transmission has simple structure and easy adjustment; belt pulley transmission is not as strict as meshing transmission in manufacturing and installation of belt pulley; belt pulley transmission has the function of overload protection; belt pulley transmission has a large adjustment range of two-axle center distance. 。
    The disadvantages of belt transmission are: elastic sliding and sliding, low transmission efficiency and inaccurate transmission ratio; when the same large circumferential force is transmitted by belt wheel transmission, the contour size and shaft pressure are larger than meshing transmission; and the service life of belt transmission by belt wheel is shorter. The diameters and sizes of the pulleys of all kinds of mechanical equipment are matched according to the deceleration ratio and designed according to the working speed and the speed of the motor.
    Working speed/motor speed = diameter of driving wheel/diameter of driven wheel * 0.98 (sliding coefficient). If steel is used as material of belt pulley, the linear speed should not be higher than 40m/s. If cast iron is used, the linear speed should not be higher than 35m/s. Conversion ratio of motor speed to diameter of belt pulley, speed ratio = output speed: input speed = diameter of load belt pulley: diameter of motor belt pulley. The pitch diameter is the same as the reference diameter. Diameter - 2H = pitch diameter. h is the groove depth on the reference line. Different types of V-band h are different. The groove depth on the reference line is h = 1.622.753.54.8 8.19.6, respectively. The pitch circle diameter of the pulley is the theoretical diameter of the pitch line position of the pulley, which is somewhat like the pitch circle diameter of the gear.
    Generally speaking, the outer circle is expressed by PD and OD. The conversion formulas of pitch circle and outer circle of different grooves are different. Generally, it is easier for us to measure the outer circle of belt pulley and calculate the pitch circle according to the formula. SPZ: OD = PD + 4; SPA: OD = PD + 5.5; SPB: OD = PD + 7; SPC: OD = PD + 9.6. The minimum outer diameter of pulley of A or SP A is 80mm. If it is smaller than that size, especially at high speed, the belt is prone to delamination and cracks at the bottom. SPZ belt, small wheel not less than 63mm can be. At the same time, attention should be paid to the belt installation techniques and tension, too small easy to slip, too large easy to damage the belt and bearings.
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